Sunday, September 21, 2008


Drove thru the mtns. into Washington. The mtns. got higher and scarier as we went. Got to Goldendale safely yesterday to see my cousin Jill. We haven't seen each other since 1969. Wow, that was a longgggg......time ago. :) Had a good visit, ate steelhead that her boyfriend, Lionel, had caught and cooked. Yum. Also, we had some of the steelhead that he had smoked. Excellent.

Jill drove us around the area. Forgot the camera. We saw some orchards and bought some delicious peaches and nectarines. Apricots are also grown in that area. Saw the some wind surfers on the Columbia River (divides Wash. from Oregon). Also saw the lava hills. Guess they ae from Mt. St. Helen. Interesting.

Drove down the HILLS this a.m. when we left Jill's and headed along the C. River towards Portland, Oregon. Pretty water and mtns. on both sides.

We are now at a campground south of Portland on the Pacific Ocean. Actually 1/2 mile away. Went down to the Neskowin Beach after setting up camp. It had been raining but quit. Prayed for sun and the good Lord gave us sun! Great walk on the beach. Will stay here a couple of days. Was suppose to see cousins Kathy and Nancy but I guess we are about an hr. and a half south of them. Will call them this evening.

Bye for now


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